Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I'm in the Cafe/Daily 5 Grad Class!!

A few months ago, I was looking at the Daily Cafe site, and I saw that there was going to be a grad class offered online, though the University of Iowa. Well, my interest was piqued! I hurried, and I scanned all of my needed documents to the university, but I was 5 people too late. Oh, well! 

Then, I saw that there was going to be another session open, but I actually forgot about that deadline...I have no idea how-with three children, a full-time job, etc. Anyway, much to my surprise, I was automatically enrolled in this session (begins in Jan.). I paid for the class...only $400 for a grad class! I am so super excited. 

I'm sure I'll be sharing what I learn. 

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