Friday, July 26, 2013

PA Teacher Blogger Meet-Up, Great Sites and a Freebie!

This past week, I met some wonderful teacher bloggers. What started as a tentative lunch date plan with a friend quickly turned into a PA blogger meet-up with 9 people! This past Wed., we met at a restaurant, located on the Susquehanna River in Harrisburg, PA.  We had such a great time! I can't wait till the next meet-up!!! Will you be joining us? Roll call...

Andrew from Mr. First Grade (Andrew's awesome wife is right next to him-she's a middle school teacher)
Autumn from First Grade Teacher Lady (4th from left)
Jess and Kheila from Two Friends in First (Jess is 3rd one from left/Kheila is right in the middle)
Wendy from Read With Me ABC
Jen from That First Grade Blog
Nick from Sweet Rhyme - Pure Reason (his wife is next to him...she's a guidance counselor)

For a little treat for myself to celebrate nearly a year of blogging, I decided to change my blog design. My friend, Wendy, told me about Designs by Christi. For a minimal charge, I was able to change my blog design in the time it took me to go grocery shopping (literally). Christi and I sent a few emails back and forth, and it was done! And, if you knew just how much time I spent yesterday trying to learn how to make and then put a blog button (and grab box) on my blog, you'd really know how much I truly appreciate the simplicity of this blog design switch. And, the best part is that the price includes a mighty cute button!!! By the way, if you figured out how to make a blog button, and you want to put it on your blog (with a grab box), you have to check out Grab My Button Code Generator. It's free, and once I FINALLY found this site (late, late last night), I was able to do the whole grab my button thing with ease! But, now I have a new design with a cute new button that I didn't have to bother with. Sometimes I want to scream while learning all there is about blogging I love to blog!

I'm including a little freebie for you for reading this novel. Sometimes I just have diarrhea of the mouth...tonight seems like one of those nights (yeah for you). Just read to the end, and you can grab it. 
Anyway, some of us PA bloggers are hosting a Back-To-School Blog Hop on July 31st. You don't want to miss it! There will be lots of back-to-school freebies! Put this right on your calendar (and say a little prayer that my scheduled post goes live when it should)!

To get your freebie for reading this gigantic post, just click on the image below. It will take you to my TPT store, and you'll be able to download it for free. Currently, I use Words Their Way as the main approach to spelling. This spelling test sheet is simple, yet useful. 


  1. So happy to have found your sweet blog!! It is just so stinkin' cute & I love the title :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  2. I just love this new design! I can't stop admiring it! :)
    If it makes you feel any better, It took me all day to make a fan freebie button on my Facebook page (which is not even linked to my blog yet) lol.


    Read With Me ABC
    Read With Me ABC on Facebook

  3. Hi! I just found your blog and love it! I am your newest follower. I teach in NY- and don't find lots of blogs from our area! I live near Binghamton. I'd love you to stop over to my blog if you get a chance!
    Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together

  4. Hey there! I just found your blog and heard about the PA teacher meet up. I live in PA but teach in NJ. I don't know what your old design looked like but, I love the new one. It's on my list to do when the paychecks start coming in again, LOL!
    First Grade Hugs and High Fives
