Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Small Moment Writing Mentor Text Linky

Well, today was supposed to be a regular school day. However, it is now another snow day. We've had so many (some for snow, some for predicted snow and some for freezing cold temperatures). So, goodbye spring break! Anyhow, I'm taking this precious time to do some things I needed to get done (and finally get back into the swing of blogging). 

I stumbled upon this Mentor Text linky by Emily @ The Reading Tutor OG, as I was checking out my friend's blog at Read With Me ABC. I love using mentor texts, and I'm always looking for more tried and true texts to use with my first graders.

This year, I used the mentor text suggested by Lucy Calkins in her Narrative Writing unit of study. It is called Night of the Veggie Monster by George McClements. Calkins references this particular book throughout this unit of study. Since it was included in the package, I thought, "Why not?".

The kids and I LOVED this text!!!! It is about a little boy who does not like to eat vegetables. One night, his parents served him peas, and the little boy turned into a veggie monster (he threw a tantrum). This text is so descriptive and just brings this story alive. It's such a great way to teach so much about personal narrative writing (bringing writing to life in words and pictures, small moment writing, word choice, paying attention to how writing looks/is read, etc.). 

So, if you haven't done so, head on over to The Reading Tutor OG (click on green Mentor Monday button above) to join the linky and/or to get some great mentor text ideas.


  1. I can't wait to try this book! It sounds like it's full of imagination! I'm so glad I found your blog this morning. It looks great! I hope you'll link up with me again!
    -Emily, TRT/OG :))

  2. Hi Jen! Oh my gosh…I think that might have been the story of my childhood. I hated eating veggies. What a great pick! I think every young writer can identify with this story. I'm so glad you linked up to share. I have a huge list of books to purchase now. lol
    Read With Me ABC

  3. I have not read this. But will need to be on the lookout for it! Thanks so much for sharing it.
    Curious Firsties
