If you know me personally (or professionally), you know that I LOVE to read. One of my passions is reading professional texts (yes, I'm quite a teacher nerd). A few years ago, I led a "real life" book club for my colleagues, and it was focused on The Daily 5, First Edition by Gail Boushey and Joan Moser.
I discovered this book a few years before that book club, and I fell in love with it. It literally became a central structure to my teaching day, and it has truly changed the way I teach. The book club was awesome because it gave us a chance to discuss and share ideas about each chapter. We still talk about this book at my school.
In the few years since that book club, I've continued on my journey to use the Daily 5 structure in the literacy block. This first edition has become somewhat of a lifesaver to me and to many of my close teacher friends. Last year, I had the opportunity to take the Daily 5/CAFE grad course, and the information from that course clarified so much. I am THRILLED that the second edition is here...hello, Math Daily 3!
Since I am now a very busy mom, wife and teacher, I felt it would be way easier to continue my passion for hosting professional book clubs, but through my blog. After speaking to my friends in my PA Blogger group and some colleagues, there is definitely interest.
So, with that being said, I will be hosting an online professional book club focused on The Daily 5, Second Edition (I devoured it, have you?) beginning on Monday, March 17th. The pacing will be a chapter a week with discussion questions. I will include links to helpful information that I use and that I find. Please be sure to do the same in your comments. Some weeks, there will be guest bloggers chiming in as well.
If you are interested, you can purchase your copy here:
Also, let me know if you are interested, either in person or send me a message (blogger group, on my blog or through email/fb). Don't forget to check back before March 17th for some Daily 5/Math Daily 3 Tips and freebies.
I hope you join us!
Hi there! I really am enjoying your blog and wanted to let you know I nominated you for a Liebster Award for up-and-coming blogs! Check out http://apeachfortheteach.blogspot.com/2014/03/im-feeling-so-honored.html for details.